Psychologin, M.Sc. - Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (CBT)
Cognitive- Behavioural-based psychotherapy
Individually tailored psychotherapy in an atmosphere of trust.
Coaching & Consulting for companies
Mental health at work
Mental illness is one of the most common causes of sick leave and often leads to long periods of absence.
Mental health during pregnancy & postpartum
Advice for mothers & fathers
The mental health of mothers and fathers after the birth of their children is often overlooked!
For fear of stigma, peripartal mental disorders go often untreated.
Individual coaching & life guidance
Life guidance to prevent mental illness and a healthier lifestyle.
Together, we can, for example, analyse behavioral patterns in more detail and develop individual solution strategies. My goal is, above all, to help people to help themselves.
Working Experience:
Licenced Psychologist ( Psychologische Psychotherapeutin) at Privatpraxis für Psychotherapie, Coaching & Beratung
Licenced Psychologist (Psychologische Psychotherapeutin ) at Praxis für Psychotherapie - Dr. Annekatrin Nadjiri
Licenced Psychologist (Psychologische Psychotherapeutin ) at ReAL gGmbH/ RPK München (2018-2024). The ReAL network offers inclusion services for people with mental illnesses and social disabilities. Its core is the measure "Rehabilitation of the Mental Ill" (RPK).
Psychotherapeutic Work at "Ambulanz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie" (DGVT) München (2020-2023)
Psychologist at Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München (MRI TUM) (2018-2019)
Participation in the trialogue of the Munich Psychosis Seminar at the MRI TUM (2018 & 2019)
HR Lead Consultant DACH & Europe - Recruitment Consultant (London & Munich 2014-2017)
* 1987, married, 2 sons
Education & Training:
Licence to practise as Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (CBT) and entry in the medical register of the KVB (2023)
Additional training in group behavioural therapy (2023) & CBT for children and adolescents (2025)
Training as a Therapist (CBT) at the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT) Munich (2018-2023)
Master of Advanced Studies Psychotherapie with the focus on CBT (MASPTVT) University of Bern (2018-2023)
Master of Science in Psychological Research Methods at Birbeck University of London (2013)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology at University of Greenwich (2009-2012)
Deutsche PsychotherapeutenVereinigung e.V. (DPtV)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie e.V. (DGVT)
Bayerische Landeskammer der Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten
und der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten (PTK Bayern)
Eintrag in das Arztregister der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Bayerns (KVB)
To book an appointment please get in touch with me:
Free spots available from April 2025
U3 / U6, S1-S8, Trambahn 21
Edina Eder-Petersen
Psychologin, M.Sc.
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
Telefon: +49157 34473692
Adresse: Rosenstr. 7, 80331 München
© 2024 Edina Eder-Petersen
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